Tag Archives: Expand

Seattle backs out of agreement, demands Comcast to expand low-income internet program
The Seattle City Council was set to approve a new 10-year franchise agreement with Comcast on Wednesday, but now city officials are pressing pause after seeing what the cable giant did in the Philadelphia market. In a letter sent to Comcast penned by Mayor Ed Murray and Councilmember Bruce Harrell, city officials were “disappointed to learn of the franchise agreed to between Comcast and the City...
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Unify Square raises $4M to help businesses utilize Skype, expand operations in India
Sonu Aggarwal
Unify Square, a Bellevue-based startup that helps companies implement Skype for Business, has raised $ 4 million in funding to expand its existing network operations center in India. The eight-year-old company helps its clients, including more than 50 Fortune 500 corporations, monitor and manage Skype for Business, which just received a big update on Monday. Unify Square is a longtime...
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