Tag Archives: minimum

To mitigate poverty, Y Combinator set to launch minimum income plan

(credit: Jaegar Moore)

OAKLAND, Calif.—Earlier this month, Y Combinator, the famed Silicon Valley incubator dropped a bombshell: it had selected this city to be the home of its new "Basic Income" pilot project, to start later this year.

The idea is pretty simple. Give some people a small amount of money per month, no strings attached, for...

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McDonald’s ex-CEO: $15/hr minimum wage will unleash the robot rebellion

An artist's approximation of ex-McDonald's CEO Ed Rensi in his Fox Business appearance on Tuesday. (credit: South Park Studios)

For years, economists have been issuing predictions about how automation will impact the world's job markets, but those studies and guesses have yet to make a call based on what would happen if a given sector's wages rose. Instead,...

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