Tag Archives: both

Progress! New CMOS chip can process both light and electricity

(credit: Glenn Asakawa, University of Colorado)

Moving data around inside a computer means shoving it through wires, which have inherent bandwidth limitations and produce a lot of heat. Once that data hits a network, however, it often runs across optical hardware, which can send information long distances at high bandwidth without needing a dedicated nuclear reactor for...

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Wired and Gizmodo both claim to have possibly found the creator of Bitcoin

"I’ve been involved with all this for a long time," said Wright at a Bitcoin conference in October. "I—try and stay—I keep my head down." (credit: BitcoinInvestor.com)

Both Wired and Gizmodo have claimed to have discovered the identity of "Satoshi Nakamoto," the anonymous creator of Bitcoin. Unlike previous attempts at identifying the Bitcoin creator, the story is backed by a mound...

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