Tag Archives: architecture

Architecture of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter

Mitochondria from many eukaryotic clades take up large amounts of calcium (Ca2+) via an inner membrane transporter called the uniporter. Transport by the uniporter is membrane potential dependent and sensitive to ruthenium red or its derivative Ru360 (ref. 1). Electrophysiological studies have shown that the uniporter is an ion channel with remarkably high conductance and selectivity. Ca2+ entry into mitochondria is also known to...

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Topology of ON and OFF inputs in visual cortex enables an invariant columnar architecture

Circuits in the visual cortex integrate the information derived from separate ON (light-responsive) and OFF (dark-responsive) pathways to construct orderly columnar representations of stimulus orientation and visual space. How this transformation is achieved to meet the specific topographic constraints of each representation remains unclear. Here we report several novel features of ON–OFF convergence visualized by mapping the receptive fields of layer 2/3 neurons in...

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Mycocerosic acid synthase exemplifies the architecture of reducing polyketide synthases

Polyketide synthases (PKSs) are biosynthetic factories that produce natural products with important biological and pharmacological activities. Their exceptional product diversity is encoded in a modular architecture. Modular PKSs (modPKSs) catalyse reactions colinear to the order of modules in an assembly line, whereas iterative PKSs (iPKSs) use a single module iteratively as exemplified by fungal iPKSs (fiPKSs). However, in some cases non-colinear iterative action is...

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