App for splitting the bill based on race and gender gives ‘check your privilege’ a whole new meaning

Does your bleeding liberal heart make you feel guilty about your privilege? Do you love receiving praise on social media for good deeds? Do you wish there was something you could do to make up for five centuries of oppression?

The Equipay team presents their app at Comedy Hack Day SF. (Screenshot via YouTube).
The Equipay team presents their app at Comedy Hack Day SF. (Screenshot via YouTube).

There’s an app for that.

The makers of mobile payment platform EquiPay are releasing an app to split the check fairly — and by fairly they mean in accordance with 500 years of racial and gender discrimination.

When it’s time to divide up the check, the app sets the amount owed for each member of the group, based on how much their income is affected by their privilege.

Users can protest the amounts based on inputs like “I’m conventionally unattractive” or “I’m a middle child,” but they aren’t likely to get very far. Selecting “This isn’t an issue anymore” prompts the app to lay down some truth about income inequality and ends with “I suggest you read a Jezebel article or two.”

The EquiPay team took home first prize for the concept at Comedy Hack Day SF last month. Watch their hilarious pitch below.


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