Рейнганд Надежда Олеговна (Nadya Reingand, PhD), Президент компании
Кандидат физ-мат. наук, специалист в области оптоэлектроники, лазерной техники, нанотехнологий, волоконно-оптической связи, радиосвязи и др. новейших областях хай-тека. Лицензированный патентовед США. Разрабатывает патентную стратегию для компаний, оформляет заявки на патенты и представляет интересы изобретателей в переговорах с Патентным Офисом США, а также международные заявки РСТ. На ее счету около 400 американских и международных патентных заявок. Выступает экспертом при оценке значимости и перспективности технологий. Проводит анализ новизны изобретения на основе поиска по патентным базам данных разных стран.
Ее книга «Intellectual Property in Academia: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers» адресована ученым-инноваторам, работающим в университетах. Она читает образовательные курсы по интеллектуальной собственности во многих университетах мира.
Свободно владеет русским и английским языками.

Патенты Надежда Рейнганд, полученные ею по результатам ее собственных научных работ

1 8,143,575 Detection of high Z materials using reference database
2 8,019,556 Inspection system and method
3 7,945,174 Secure optical communications system and method with coherent detection
4 7,897,925 System and method for high Z material detection
5 7,652,254 Method and system for nuclear substance revealing using muon detection
6 7,570,373 System and method to measure parameters distribution in sheet-like objects
7 7,512,338 Method and apparatus for pulse generation and adaptive pulse generation for optical communications
8 7,470,905 High Z material detection system and method
9 7,418,209 System and method for multi-dimensional encoding
10 7,391,969 Method and apparatus for pulse generation and adaptive pulse generation for optical communications
11 7,315,697 Light source for generating an output signal having spaced apart frequencies
12 7,266,307 Method and apparatus for pulse generation and adaptive pulse generation for optical communications
13 7,224,906 Method and system for mitigating nonlinear transmission impairments in fiber-optic communications systems
14 7,110,677 Method and system for optical time division multiplexed fiber communications with coherent detection
15 6,671,425 Method and system for acoustically tuning a light source

In addition, Nadya Reingand has expertly written on IP and scientific topics in the following:


“Intellectual Property in Academia: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers”
Francis &Taylor, USA, 2011 (Ed.)

“Optical Imaging and Metrology”
Wiley, 2012 (Co-Ed.)


“Wordwide scientific collaboration and national intellectual property: how to put those things together?”
N.Reingand and M.Stech, International Congress on Optics, Puebla, Mexico, Aug. 2011, Proceedings SPIE

“Beyond the eureka moment”
Physics World, July 2011, pp.44-45

“Bringing University Invention to the Market”
N. Reingand and W. Osten, Speckle2010:Optical Metrology, Brazil, September 2010, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 7387, p. 738712

“Intellectual property analysis of holographic material business”
N. Reingand and D.Hunt, Photonics West conference, San Jose, 2006, Proceedings SPIE, vol. 6136


Образовательные курсы:

Образовательные курсы по международной интеллектуальной собственности:

  • “Nuts and bolts of patenting“ (Основы международной патентной защиты)”
  • “Patenting in Academia” (Патентование университетских инноваций)”
  • “The art of patent search and analysis” (Поиск по патентным базам данных и анализ)”

Course Descriptions

Short course #1: “Nuts and bolts of patenting“

The course will enable you to:

• identify your benefits if your idea is patented
• learn the basic steps in patent filing
• access the USPTO electronic filing system for patent filing and use this system to monitor the status of your own as well as competing patent applications
• limit your legal expenses by doing a large portion of the work yourself
• create better protection through understanding the examination procedure
• accelerate your patent’s prosecution
• optimize your effort in patenting by understanding what the process entails

Short course #2: “Patenting in Academia”

The course will enable you to:

• identify the distinction from existing solutions that makes the ideas patentable
• recognize your benefits in filing the patent application for the inventions in academic community
• learn the basic steps in patent filing
• access the USPTO electronic system for patent search and filing in our interactive on-line session
• on-line monitor the status of your patent applications
• understand licensing issues with Technology Transfer Office of the University
• optimize your effort in patenting by understanding what the process entails

Short course #3: “The art of patent search and analysis”

The course will enable you to:

• identify the type of patent search to perform
• find the optimal strategy of the search
• use a variety of on-line resources to achieve the best search result
• select optimal tools for the patent search
• learn about various types of patent analysis

Be your own boss!

Patent Hatchery provides assistance to clients in establishing a US business for your inventions so you, the inventor or IP owner, can capitalize on your intellectual property while bringing it to untapped markets.

Мы защитим вашу интеллектуальную собственность!

