
Welcome to the Patent Hatchery! Our company is internationally known and respected for providing Intellectual Property Protection services for large and small businesses and individual inventors in 21 countries, but our work goes so much further than that. Getting IP protection is a part of the process, but Patent Hatchery really focuses on helping to bring inventions to the large and ever-expanding innovation market in America and abroad. Our mission is to bring people and their IP to markets worldwide and make the world a better place.

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– We work with large and small businesses as well as individual inventors
– We solve complex problems: Business Analysis, Business Strategy, and Registration of Patents and Trademarks
– We provide high quality work for a reasonable price

[18:06:05] Nadya Reingand: Serving and conducting a variety of patents locally and internationally

• Our specialty – patent applications for the most up-to-date technologies
• Design patents
• Drawing up documents for the rights on patents
• Expedited evaluation of documents at the US Patent and Trademark office
• If needed – expedited submission for a patent request in 24 hours
• Development of patent strategy for the company
• Patent Search and Analysis
• Search for product symbols and registration
• Registration of Copyright
• Assistance in advancement of innovations in the US market, and establishment of a business
Comprehensive lessons on international intellectual property
• Rudiments of international patent protection
• Patents of University innovations
• Search for patent databases and analysis
