Patent Hatchery LLC: US and EU Patents and Trademarks

US License № 60933


Registration and protection of patents USA, EU, Asian countries. Patent disputes and examinations.


Registration and protection of trademarks in the USA, Europe and Asia: name and image.


Registration of copyrights for texts, images, videos, music, computer programs.

Patent and Trademark Registration in the USA and EU

Patent Hatchery: We are the leading company representing the interests of Russian-speaking innovators from all countries in the United States.
We register more patents and trademarks from Russia than any other company in the United States.
We also cooperate with law firms in more than 30 countries, and many of our clients file their patents and trademarks in other countries through us. In addition, we participate in scientific and practical conferences and summits around the world, including in Russia, give lectures and prepare training courses for teachers, students and innovators

Video News


How has the current political situation affected the possibility of patenting Russian inventions in the US? Are there any restrictions? What is being done for Ukrainian patent applications?
These and other questions are in our video. Host: Marina Bakanova, US patent attorney: Nadya Reingand

Working with Patent Hatchery: Reliable and Effective

  • Licensed in the USA (license #60933) patent attorneys and patent and trademark specialists with 25 years of experience
  • We achieve a positive decision in more than 90% of cases with patents and trademarks and in 100% of cases with copyright. On average in the industry, the efficiency of patenting does not exceed 30%
  • We have excellent command of the main world languages ​​and know international document flow. We prepare the necessary documents required for currency control for our clients, in the required language and with seals
  • After receiving a patent, we provide post-patent services and facilitate the sale of patents, arrange licensing and related rights for large specialized companies, and participate in thematic conferences and exhibitions.
  • Reasonable prices for all services

International Patenting Issues

For high-tech companies, patenting issues are not limited to the scale of one country.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an international patent yet. It is necessary to ensure patent protection in those countries where the production and sale of goods is planned.
This video discusses issues related to filing an international patent application PCT (patent cooperation treaty), which never becomes a patent, but makes it possible to evaluate the patentability of an idea, as well as to postpone filing patent applications in individual countries for 2.5 years from the priority date.
Patenting strategy issues for small businesses to enter the international arena are discussed

Intellectual Property in Academia: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers

Given the increasing role of intellectual property (IP) in academic research, it is important for academic scientists to gain greater awareness and knowledge of the various issues involved with IP resulting from their research and inventions.
In addition, the line between academic and industrial research has been blurred, and a large amount of crossover exists due to corporate funding of academic research and collaborations between company and university laboratories.
These and other factors have complicated the push toward technology transfer in universities. As commercialization has become inseparable from university research, there is now an essential need for academics to have a greater understanding of the processes involved.
Intellectual Property in Academia: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers fills this need, providing an indispensable source of information for researchers in academia.

You’ve Just Invented a Gadget – What Now?

Written by a select team of IP professionals, most of whom also have years of experience as scientists, this volume addresses IP issues relevant to the academic community―including ways to efficiently deal with the structural constraints inherent in the university environment.
Scientists and engineers will benefit from the authors’ insights and their advice on how to establish good communication with university Offices of Technology Transfer.
This perspective affords a common language and facilitates a smoother path through IP procedures. The book covers the best approaches to determine invention novelty by prior art searching and gives step-by-step guidance in using the best modern electronic patent databases. It presents a unique practical approach for assessing the monetary value of ideas and provides software for invention valuation, which can be used even during the early stages of an invention’s development.
The book also discusses invention ownership, which is a crucial issue for scientists employed by universities.

Get Answers to Your Questions about the Steps in Invention Commercialization

Taking a more comprehensive approach than a basic how-to book on patent law, this reference answers inventors’ frequently asked questions about employment legislation as well as business and market estimation, invention priority registration, and other necessary steps for the successful commercialization of university inventions. It presents encouraging examples of academic patent successes, describing both the right moves and common mistakes made by scientists.
It also provides practical advice on patent writing, filing, and prosecution, useful for both academic and industrial researchers. Other key topics addressed by the text include using copyrighted material, protecting material with copyrights, crucial IP legislation, business models, and new trends and changes in the U.S. patent office. In short, readers will find that this book provides a pathway for easing their journey through the IP process.

Leon Foxenberg
5.0 out of 5 stars
I would highly recommend this book as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for scientists …
Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2018
I would highly recommend this book as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for scientists and/or engineers on how to handle and transfer Intellectual Property in research University environment. It is very well written and easy to comprehend. The book is full of real life examples that I found extremely useful for my job. Moreover, the authors presented a thorough review of all necessary steps required for applying for a patent on academia inventions. Great book! Highly recommended.
Buy this book now:
The book by Nadya Reingand, which was the bestseller of the year for the publishing house Francis & Taylor


Today, the innovation market of the United States of America is approximately half of the world high-tech market, and it is no coincidence that about 50% of the total number of US patent applications are filed by foreign companies. In general, the American market can be considered an indicator of the innovative activity of the entire world.  Read more >>>>>

Эксперт: в США заметно выросло число патентных заявок от российских ученых — ТАССTASS: The number of patent applications from Russian scientists has noticeably increased in the US — Expert Nadya Reingand

Russian authors file about 900 applications per year, said Nadezhda Reingand, president of Patent Hatchery, a company that registers patents and trademarks in the US and EU. The number of patent applications filed in the US by scientists and inventors from Russia has grown significantly in recent years. This was reported on Sunday during the ninth annual conference of the Russian-American Scientists Association (RASA-America Conference 2018) in Washington by Nadezhda Reingand, president of Patent Hatchery, a company that registers patents and trademarks in the US and EU.   Read more >>>>>

Why patenting in the US and EU is really beneficial:

Having a US or EU Patent significantly increases the company’s capitalization; a patent can fully or partially serve as collateral for a loan from US and EU banks to expand production.
According to The Economist (UK), about 70% of a company’s capitalization is its intellectual property. If you do not plan to expand your business and independent production, you can sell your patent – amounts in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, are measured in figures with six zeros.
We will provide you with full assistance in this complex matter; we have significant and successful experience.

Intellectual property is not only valuable in itself and a possible object of sale, it also significantly influences the capitalization of a company and can be an object of assessment and collateral in capital and investments.

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Было нашей огромной удачей, что мы нашли Вашу компанию! Ваша прекрасно выполненная работа по оформлению наших заявок на знаки будет многие годы служить людям!
Я уверен, что высочайшая квалификация Вашей компании приносит сегодня и будет приносить ей в дальнейшем заслуженный деловой и финансовый успех!

Марк Болштянский, Израиль

Diary of a Patent Officer

Дневник патентоведа № 271. Одно из поздравлений нашей компании

Дневник патентоведа № 271. Одно из поздравлений нашей компании

Одно из поздравлений нашей компании Patent Hatchery с юбилеем (10 лет). Это – от нашего сотрудника Сергея Комарова.

Дневник патентоведа № 270. С юбилеем!

Дневник патентоведа № 270. С юбилеем!

Поздравьте нас! Нашей компании Patent Hatchery 10 лет! Сегодня празднуем в ресторане. Это мы на фоне презентации, где рассказывали о нас и сотрудниках. Мы получили многочисленные поздравления, в том числе в песнях, стихах, в видео обращениях, и пр. Мы работаем с патентованием в 50+ странах, мы работаем с многочисленными товарами из стран СНГ, которые зарегистрированы…

Дневник патентоведа № 269. Зачарована, околдована (С)

Дневник патентоведа № 269. Зачарована, околдована (С)

Именно эти стихи , когда-то прочитанные, выученные в школе, приходят в голову. Может, не к месту. Но я реально не понимаю логику уменьшения пошлин в патентном Офисе США на 20 (!) или 10 процентов. При росте нашей инфляции. И при том, что количество заявок на патенты всегда растет, каждый год. Но вышел правительственный АКТ, и…


Science and Technology News

В скелете вымершего псового с патагонского погребения заподозрили останки питомца индейцев

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Is your invention patentable? Is it new? Can your product be brought to the US market? Do you need to buy a license for someone else’s intellectual property? A professional patent search will answer these questions.
More about patent research …


Patent Hatchery LLC provides professional translation services for patent documents and technical documentation.
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We work with leading US companies — organizers of international exhibitions. We discuss with the organizers all possible discounts and benefits for your company. We carefully analyze the estimate provided by the exhibition organizers. We help you promote your product in the most profitable way and for the largest circle of consumers
More about working at exhibitions

Registration of companies in the USA in zones with different taxation

Регистрация компаний в США

Registration of companies in various jurisdictions, depending on the goals and objectives of the companies’ activities, including in the USA, Europe and in zones with preferential tax regimes.
Get advice on company registration ….

@ American Councils for international education.

Friends and colleagues, on September 9, 2016, we held a webinar on intellectual property protection for startups. Thanks to the participants. Special thanks to those who actively asked questions. I think that inventors are the engine of progress in the whole world. The planet rests on you! It is true. It is you who change this world for the better.
You can watch the full recording of the webinar here: WEBINAR
