
Patent Journal #100: Thank you!
The number of this diary page obliges you to take a happy tone. Thanks to friends and colleagues for their help, for the comments on my notes, for criticism, for their support ... Thank you all! By the way, we now have a part-time position for a patent lawyer. The main thing is to have a good technical education, we will teach the rest. You would...
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Patent Lawyer Diary #98
I trust the experts and see that, as before, software is the very best product for investment, see photo. This is absolutely true according to my personal observations while leading applications for smartphones. In addition, great attention is paid to smart homes, where everything is controlled via a computer, aka Mark Zuckerberg's great love (as it looks to me, this is a deadend, but experts...
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Patentee’s Diary #99. Let me just to introduce myself:
Dr. Nadya Reingand is a former scientist with a Ph.D. thesis in 3-dimensional imaging who hails all the way from St.Petersburg University, Russia. Science has been my first love, and always remains close to my heart. However, as it always happens with the first love, you outgrow it at a certain point in your life, so I found my 4th dimension in practicing patent law....
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Patent Lawyer Diary #97: What Do You Want?
Our company has a new service - we invent to order. Anyone interested? You give a topic, make an order, an we invent and patent it for you. You are the owner. Actually, we are doing this already when we write patents for you, we simply haven’t stated it so forcefully, rudely and visibly so far....
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Patent Layer Diary #96: Cost of Invention
My morning began with Skype correspondence and listening to complaints about the fact that Belarus paid little for inventions. In fact, they do NOT pay for inventions. They are being sold. And the invention costs exactly as much as you sold it. This is very disappointing, but true. ...
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Patent Lawyer Diary #95: From Science to Practice
  ... or why it is more interesting to be a patent specialist than a scientist (from my personal letter to the reader) I worked for many years as a scientist, and still am a member of the organizing committee of a number of international conferences in the USA and Germany in the same specialty. At some point, scientific activity is annoying. This is a constant repetition...
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Дневник патентоведа № 94. Чем больше нас, тем меньше веса (загадка)
Еще раз хочу остановиться на вопросе о том, как писать ФОРМУЛУ изобретения. Формула изобретения - это именно то, что в итоге автору принадлежит, то есть его интеллектуальная собственность, а описание изобретения, рисунки и пр. - это для понимания о чем собственно речь идет. В формуле изобретения самое главное - надо указать ту изюминку, которая отличает вас от всех предшествующих моделей того же. Причем по минимуму....
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Дневник патентоведа Но. 84 Спасибо за службу.
Получила письмо от сенатора штата. Поздравляет с обновлением лицензии нотариуса и благодарит за важную работу, которую я делаю для штата Мерилэнд. Подпись настоящая, не штемпель. Трогательная забота государства о гражданах. Мелочь, а приятно. ce9d68472e8b0f408d590f4b95515186cdb5b1892762fde8b4pimgpsh_fullsize_distr...
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Дневник патентоведа #85 TRUMP
Сегодня посмотрела торговые марки со словом TRUMP в США. Их много, а точнее 559. Причем разные - от просто TRUMP, принадлежащих лично будущему президенту, в том числе типа WIN TRUMP WIN для избирательной компании, - до как раз наоборот и не очень, например, DUMP TRUMP, TrumPutin и подобными - для надписей на футболках и пр. e11afdcb967598dab1cb05a5e2558c2508dad318bf38ddbf30pimgpsh_fullsize_distr...
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